Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Life is distorted these days to the extent that people complain every where. Earlier we saw a number of political strikes in Africa. This war spirit began in North Africa where by countries like Egypt and Libya are good examples. The root cause of these wars was due to increase in cost of living which resulted in to price fluctuation of goods and services.
Apparently doctors have been undergoing serious strikes claiming salary increase to sort out life hardships. In the Tanzanian parliament some members have been neglecting allowances because of peoples grieves in that; how comes Mps get more than even hardworking civil servants like teachers and doctors?
As a result  people’s lifestyle change in that they tend to switch to simple and affordable wears some fast to reduce food costs. One meal per day instead of taking three meals daily. Others eat a single meal in the morning and a cup of evening tea to count their day.
One of my colleagues at work told me that he is comfortable with the system. “I take my favorite ugali before coming to work so that I can forget about eating lunch which costs much money when I’m in town. I only need a bottle of water in my hand he ended that.
He says the method makes him smile in the whole day a habit which he never had before. When we were discussing he told me that the system is a secret of beauty because there are people who find themselves in gloomy faces in the morning an act which disconnect relationships with their colleagues.
Though I’m not so sure concerning how far his system can be helpful but what is said let it be done. Variety of materials on health advice eating especially of balance diet meals should be taken at least three times a day. This is to say one should open up his day with a breakfast followed by lunch and supper.
What you are what you eat the point of inadequate or excess will still be there. Take as an example when people have limited food, medication, shelter and other essentials. Life seems to be boring to them as they look so nasty and sad. We have experience of people who have been in civil wars and the ones in famine and droughts in sub-Saharan region.
The most intelligent people have been criticizing government strategic plans toward development in comparison with other European countries which have reached the millennium development MDGs.
By Reginald A.Mtui

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