Monday, February 7, 2011

Family Relationships and Aging

Family relationships are nothing if not fluid. Nothing about any familial relationship is written in stone and goes unchanged forever and ever, except the love for one another. It just isn't going to happen. Parents love their children, children love their parents, siblings sometimes even love each other, and the love doesn't change; but the dynamics of the relationship certainly do change. There is no way to avoid it.
Parents have a relationship with their three-year-old that bears no comparison to the relationship that the same parents have with the same child when he or she becomes a teenager. At age three, the child thought that Mommy and Daddy knew everything and had all of the answers; but at age 16, that same child is sure that the very same parents know nothing and are hopelessly out of step with the real world.

Everybody ages, and as we age, our relationships change. Sometimes they change for the better. That belligerent teenager becomes a doting son or daughter after they turn 40, and they even think that Mom and Dad are pretty cool for old folks. The parents might reach the conclusion about the same time that just maybe this kid has turned into a responsible adult and won't end up in prison after all. Relationships change.

Sometimes it is really difficult for an elderly person to "turn loose" of the responsibility and the decision making in their own lives. It is even scary to find that they have gotten to the point that they need to rely on the decision-making ability of the children that they raised. But the fact is that if we live long enough, that "turning over of the reins" will happen. It's also a fact that the easier you make it for those children that you raised to take control, the easier it will be

                                          Mr.Samuel Anderson and Sister sophy.

Family Relationships and Aging in the News

 Flowers, candy and marketing aside, Valentine’s Day is a time to think about those we love and, perhaps, relationships we’d like to make stronger. The bond between a grandchild and their grandparent is one that, with time and attention, rewards the child and adult.

By Reginald Anderson Mtui.


How to leave alcohol addiction

Mr.Samuel Anderson and Brother Ibra. 

By Reginald Anderson Mtui.

In stopping the alcohol addiction you had covered half way. 1st thing for this kind of act is the awareness of the effect of the act.2nd is the strong decision come out of the act. 3rd is the finding of the ways. Swill differ according to the persons, circumstances,nature,and other. change the circumstances, i.e you are drinking alone, mingle with others,if you are drinking with friends isolate from them. For some persons sudden stopping is not easy stop it and don't drink any more. For some the withdrawal problems will be high.In that condition dint go back.take another route. for that get the help of somebody,even the help of a councilor or friend.Not the old friend who is with you for drinking.If you are able to cover 28 days you can stop it easel since your body will change its cycles every 28 days.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


REGINALD ANDERSON MTUI.: SHINE BEFORE A DAY.: "Good Day can be seen from its morning. Here the question rises on how it is and what are the qualities of a good day in the morning respecti..."


Good Day can be seen from its morning. Here the question rises on how it is and what are the qualities of a good day in the morning respectively.
  From left Mr.Reginald Anderson and Tanzanian members of Uganda Christian University Theological Department.
Photo by Michael Magobola BBA
  • A shine and a fine face look
  • prolonged shouts, games, songs, whistling sounds and laughter.
  • sharp mind at creating the daily programs including what to be put on.
  • one feels comfortable with self esteem pressure all the time.
  • It equips one with full of positive thoughts and attitude.
T o make the ball rolling in a good way is very possible when you trust and spare some time to think of your own activities. It is common for people of the same age/ group to have their usual place of meeting after accomplishing what is after them. This doesn't mean anything better can be obtained from a group or only when one is with others. Dependence is a risk state where one becomes illiberal person even to make up his/her mind.

Take Actions.
  1. Eat calories and energetic food as well. Even though it needs a fat finance. It is possible 100% for one to succeed as a choice of what to eat is concerned. Eating of a well balanced diet will make your body fit and able to perform well the required functions. Also to maintain a faster and creative mind one should sacrifice to obtain nice food flavors. Most people spend most on drinks than eating a well balanced diet. Drunkards for example are not independent as they are used in terms of meeting with others in groups to share ideas and make decisions. Taking the same food and drink doesn't create perfectly your body and its organs but prepare you for a bulge abdomen and obesity. A well diet meal should contain vitamins and sufficient nutrients for your body. Many people believe that for health, one should eat three times a day. It doesn't matter how many times one eats per day but what sort of food one eats in a day.
  2. In my previous posts I discussed more about the benefits of exercises and the most important factors for preparing a sharp, capable and creative mind.  A mind which does settings well and leads other body organs effectively. Not only random stress and thoughts  can harm your day also weakness as a result of unfitness of your body. This is lack of  exercise and training. try out training three times a week if not daily. At least 20 minutes per day. there is a lot of exercises you can join apart from attending gymnastic classes which is somehow expensive. You can do road work, walking, cycling, and skipping as well.
  3. Prayers factor, many people are carried miles and miles away by deep thoughts on why other people succeed yet they are humble with lower status. Here the fact is Daily prayers can make a brain sharp as one practices it by reminding himself/herself the words to be used during the prayers. At least two times a day can be enough for a person to sharpen his/her brain and a day as well. Pray before sleeping and early in the morning before organizing your bed. Prayers guide you in a positive attitude and avoid  involvement in evil things that might damage your bright day.
By Reginald Anderson Mtui.

Friday, February 4, 2011


What's exciting is sharing this proven secret; bringing a smile to your face as pHx gives your best results yet, or perhaps, finally gets you in shape. It's as if it awakens the body's memory of its innate perfection.
Body'Fit pH Fitness (short form... pHx™) breaks the mold for exercise. Usually when most people try pHx they like the effect it has immediately. The experience is completely different - you'll see. It's so gentle and easy, yet effective. A scientifically-perfected movement technology, it doesn't stress the body yet it gets your heart rate up to training levels. Full body dynamic stretching that restores chemical balance to the blood almost instantaneously within 5 to 15 minutes makes for an entirely new revitalization process.
You're already complete and perfect. Adding pHx to your workout radically reduces the time it takes to reach peak condition by returning pH to normal fast by following the sequence in which the organs naturally wake up. Usually the changes in pH of blood and cellular fluids detected as soon as respiration quickens during physical activity, can take the kidneys hours or even days to return to slightly alkaline levels which optimize metabolic function.

Perform the 24 simple straightforward exercises in sequence seamlessly without interrupting the rhythmical movement - this allows it's specialized breathing movement patterns to rev up organs, glands, and muscles equally with minimal fuss in as little as 5 minutes. Anti aging pH health fit boosts metabolism, digestion, and immunity especially - adds punch to endurance and resistance training without hyperventilation or overheating fatique. Add sizzle and pop to your workout, refresh and renew without acid stress.
Body'Fit pHx is the on-the-go workout for women who have to move quickly to balance their lives. Unique breathing/movement design gives you a remarkable natural face-lift. And it's completely portable, fun anytime anywhere (actually is), indoors or out, at home, office, or when travelling - plus it's the perfect jet lag circadian rhythm fit.

Get More Out of Exercise for faster weight loss without injury or immune stress: lose the pounds, lose the tension, and balance your weight for good. Plus meet your daily exercise requirement on days you can't get to the gym while going beyond your expectations for sustainable results observed. An especially good idea if you haven't had time to balance VO2max equally in both large and small, to stimulate each of the hormone and neural plexes in the 5 anatomical cavities in the proper sequence, or to balance both vascular and lymphatic circulatory systems detoxing and rejuevenating deep tissues. Achieving sustainable pH balance this fast as metabolism peaks during exercise is not possible otherwise.
Depending on your fitness goals Body'Fit pH Fitness exercise can serve as a stand-alone routine when you can't get to the gym, or takes your workout to the next level. As an all-muscle dynamic stretch warm-up cool down for athletic cross-training, pHx is the perfect fit for sports training. The routine gets the body to Peak Metabolic Potential (PMP)™ without tiring you out, so you're ready to get More Out of Exercise with your workout. without tiring you out. In addition, the interactive video eBooks are comprehensive and well thought out (try 3, it's free). No equipment is required. My experience shows even women who feel most out of shape enjoy learning the routine, and are doing the first set within a few minutes of starting - either on their own or with a personal trainer.

Belly Fat, Cellulite, and Aging Skin.

Despite exercise, these areas tend to plague women as hormones change. Body'Fit pHx helps get rid of deep visceral fat for fast weight loss without the need for d'rigour strenuous exercise (and even faster with it). Plus, women notice cellulite is relieved. Moderate exercise such as walking and dancing, or even extreme sports like rock climbing and marathon running don't work that well by themselves for cellulite. Circulation flows mostly to muscle, not so much to cellulite or deep fat (unless pH balanced cardio is performed immediately before and after your workout). Getting rid of visceral fat and celluite requires that a warm-up cool down sequence be designed to boost metabolism by driving more oxygen and electrolytes into deep tissues that typically get much less circulation during exercise. 

Cellulite appears when the cell walls of fat cells are weakened by poor circulation of nutrients (you may be getting the right nutrients but they're not getting to all tissues equally). Plus synthetic organic and inorganic toxins so prevalent in modern diets and skin products undermine endocrine function and they store in fat. Toxins tend to hold the fat; as long as the toxins are there, the cellulite/ fat will be there. Adipose tissue has recently been classified as an endocrine gland related to the immune system. When healthy, fat cells actualy secrete a hormone that helps control appetite. Cellulite is not healthy adipose tissue, therefore cellulite fat cells need to be detoxified before significant healthy weightloss can be expected. In disorders such as Obesity where the sympathetic nervous system has become dominant and is out of balance, the body doesn't respond well to physical exertion which typically increases sympathetic acitivity. Body'Fit pH Fitness exercise is specially designed to balance the neural system providing a real solution for healthy weightloss.

Circulation is also important for facial anti aging. Typically adrenaline released during exercise constricts circulation around the mouth and nose (where aging starts to show fast), even as sweat dilates vessels in the rest of the face. Not so with Body'Fit™ aerobic cardio, instead of simply releasing growth hormone HGH and getting the adrenaline pumping, the pHx routine balances each hormone in the correct anatomical order to open up all blood vessels in the face (as well as deep organs).

Besides the vascular circulation which carries fat-burning oxygen to cells, there's another system that has circulation throughout the body: the lymphatic system. Lymph carries electrolytes, proteins, hormones, and fat. It's responsible for producing antibodies, a quarter of all white blood cells, and helps carry off waste by-products of metabolism and toxins unnatural to the body (many commercial spices are irradiated with nuclear waste, and then there's synthetics like genetically modified organisms, etc.). Usually exercise relies solely on mechanical pumping of lymph by the muscles to remove toxins, Body'Fit pHx weight-bearing movements are deliberately calculated to rapidly stimulate the neuro-lymphatic circulation for max detox.

"It's never too early to start your anti aging regime, says Body'Fit spokesperson Suzanna. It's almost 40 years (since I was 19) that I first started working with pH exercise. I consistently experience a youthful complexion, slim healthy thighs, and a flat firm belly - as long as I keep doing it. I start to gain weight right away if I stop pHx, even if I do other exercise. It never ceases to amaze me. What's even more exciting is that women who've never exercised that much notice Body'Fit works just as well for them as for seasoned athletes". Surprise yourself... 

Total Body Muscle Sculpt.

Personal trainer's tip: Build functional capacity into day-to-day activities with dynamic stretching of every muscle at an equal percentage V02max all in one session, once daily. When muscle groups related to each of the five anatomical cavities are oxygenated in order of greatest blood volume, exquisite proportions are easier to achieve.  Working different muscles at different exercise sessions, or repeatedly stressing the same group of muscles can cause inflexibility, restricted movement, and/or injury. Body'Fit pH Fitness exercise improves flexibility by balancing small and large muscles. All muscles (including the heart) should be warm before you stretch and step onto the threadmill for your sports specific cardio. In as little as 5 minutes, pHx warms muscles equally in a balanced formula that potentates core strength, endurance, and long lean proportions. At the same time all joints are moved and lubricated daily. Women report lasting back pain in minutes.

pH Health Breakthrough
From the moment you download and open a Body'Fit eBook, you realize just how unique this is. Its exact body fit accounts for ease and speed. When I have time I enjoy walking, dancing, yoga and other sports and recreation. However to alkalize body pH this fast with exercise, a precise formula is required; not just any random series of exercises. Body'Fit pH Fitness exercise encompasses the latest research in physiological science to achieve the pH health that gets More Out of Exercise. Compared to traditional methods, the speed with which pHx restores body pH balance is like a jet. Suzanna says, "I've discovered it's one particular sequence of movement/ breathing exercise combinations that compresses comprehensive all-in-one results as we've seen with pHx - without the time and effort of trying to go it alone

As Individual as You
The leader in beauty health fitness exercise delivers a synthesis (not simply a mixture) of principles of calisthenics, Qi Gong martial arts, dance, yoga, arrhythmic and more, has compressed our collective traditional and contemporary knowledge into an entirely new evolution of exercise. Training V02max in the inner core and all muscles of the body produces a kinesthetic, neural, and circulatory balance that gets More Out of Exercise™. 

There's five groups of organs, glands, and nerve centered in the head, chest, abdomen, pelvis and vertebral column. It's observed pHx awakens the five anatomical cavities in rapid succession to produce a new kind of readiness that's otherwise not possible in 5-15 minutes. The flash of electrolytes throughout the body results in a heightened feeling and stamina incumbent with restoration of our original youthful state, for mental clarity and emotional mood honed to sustain long hours of concentration.
What's emerged with Body' Fit pH Fitness exercise modality is a new pH fitness paradigm that elicits compression of physiological response magnifying results with any workout - martial arts, yoga, and Pilate s, to sports training, endurance, and resistance workouts.  It fits you, you don't have to force youself to fit. When the series of 24 simple straightforward exercises are performed as a continuous fluid series the pleasant pendular rhythmical movements are experienced as a unit that's functional, fun and contemporary. Enjoy the benefits of cardio, inner core conditioning, yoga, and strength training all-in-one.
Revitalize and energize your couple and boost your personal growth, too. Pssst... by the way YES YOU CAN feel hot and sexy at any age without synthetics that deaden nerves in your body (found in many face creams). I've never seen faces lift this fast... WOW. It's fun to watch wrinkles disappear along with anxiety stress. It's totally sustainable with respect to time, space and comfort; and gets it done fast with energy to spare

By Reginald Anderson Mtui.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Top 10 food misconceptions

10 common myths about food and diet.…

With an abundance of false advertising and old wives’ tales surrounding the healthy eating industry, it can be tough to know what’s really healthy and what just looks that way. Here are the truths behind some common food misconceptions.

1) Cereal is the healthiest way to start the day
With many breakfast cereals packaged as health foods - perfect for weight loss and growing kids alike - it is not surprising that many of us view them in this way. However, this image is surprisingly inaccurate, as sugar levels in packaged cereals are often extremely high, even in the most "healthy" sounding brands. A recent study by Which? found that only one of the 100 leading brands of cereals they tested had healthy levels of fat, sugar and salt, while 22 of the cereals aimed at children contained more sugar per serving than a jam doughnut.

While it is true that many of these cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals, these nutrients are better taken in their natural form if possible, so stocking up on foods naturally abundant in vitamins and minerals and low in sugar - such as oats, sugar free muesli, wholegrain bread or eggs -would be a healthier, more nutritious breakfast choice.
2) Healthy equals low fat
Many people think that healthy food is low-fat food - and vice versa - but this is actually not a valid equation. Firstly, many low fat foods are not actually all that healthy. Many ready-meals, yoghurts and snacks for example, are advertised as low-fat, but that by no means makes them healthy if they are instead full of salt, additives and sugar.

The second thing to consider is that all fats are not the same, and some are actually very healthy. Monounsaturated fats, found in avocados, olive oil and nuts, can actually help weight loss, as well as keeping your heart healthy and lowering cholesterol. When comparing foods, it is important therefore to consider the type of fat in your foods - and also the food's nutritional value - as well as quantities of fat.
3) Potatoes count as one of your recommended fruit and veg
With the government advising we increase our daily portions of fruit and veg, many of us are confused about what exactly counts towards this. Many joke about the nutritional value of chips and crisps as they come from potatoes, but the actual fact is that potatoes - in any form - are not the best choice of vegetable; in fact they do not even count in the UK as one of the recommended five a day.

While potatoes are still a good source of fibre, B vitamins and potassium, in terms of the UK's five-a-day scheme, they are classified as a starchy food - or carbohydrate - rather than a vegetable. To increase your portions of veg, try replacing your baked potato with a sweet potato now and then, or mash a parsnip, sweet potato or swede in to your mash.

4) Only fresh fruit counts
Fortunately, it is not all bad on the fruit and veg score, as getting in your recommended portions of fruit is actually a lot easier than many people think. While eating whole fresh fruit is a great way to fill up and get healthy, fruit juice, dried fruit, frozen fruit and tinned fruit also count towards your recommended portions.

Not only that but many fruit-based desserts - such as apple pie, fruit crumble and fruitcake - count too. Although they may not be as great for your waistline or general health, provided they contain a relevant amount of fruit they will still count toward your recommended daily intake.

5) Natural means healthy
Just as a low-fat label does not automatically signal a healthy snack, neither does an "organic" or "natural" one. Although organic foods may be healthier than non-organic versions of the same snack, being organic or natural does not exclude foods from being loaded with salt, sugar or saturated fats.

Also, be wary of labels that state foods "contain" organic or natural ingredients, as very often this does not mean much at all. A fruit-flavoured product, for example, may claim it contains real fruit, but this doesn't mean there is any substantial amount in the product - or indicate what the rest of the ingredients are. Although it is good to eat naturally and organically where possible, it is also important to check labels to make sure "natural" products are really as healthy as they seem.
6) Vegetarian diets are protein deficient
A common myth about the vegetarian diet is that it does not contain sufficient protein. One idea that contributes to this perception is that the body needs high levels of protein for health. However, studies have suggested that eating protein at very high levels could actually be bad for us, while Dr Matthew Piper, from the Institute of Healthy Ageing at University College London, has suggested that the vegetarian diet may actually help us live longer for this very reason.

The second misconception here is that meat is the best source of protein. In fact, most foods (including vegetables and grains) contain some level of protein, and there are many great sources of vegetarian protein around, which also have the added benefit of being free of the saturated fats found in most meat.

7) Food intolerances are the same as allergies
Many people use the phrases 'food allergy' and 'food intolerance' as though they were interchangeable, however this is not the case. Although many people believe they have food allergies, it is more likely they are suffering from food intolerance. While up to 45% of the UK population suffer from food intolerance according to Allergy UK, allergies are a lot rarer, affecting only 1-2% of people.

Also, while they are less common, the effects of food allergies are also a lot more severe since they involve the immune system, meaning that symptoms are often severe and can even be life-threatening. In contrast, food intolerances mainly involve the digestive system - with sufferers having trouble digesting food - and symptoms, although uncomfortable and even painful, are never life-threatening.
8) Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar
With many people longing for a way to indulge their sweet tooth and stay healthy at the same time, sugar is a common cause of misconceptions. One theory that many buy into is the idea that brown sugar (in the way of brown bread and rice) is healthier than the white variety, however this is not true.

Although brown sugar contains small traces of minerals (due to the presence of molasses), in reality they are such small traces that they are no real benefit to our health.  Also, at the end of the day brown sugar is still sugar, and it brings with it all the same calories and health risks of white sugar, including increased risk of heart disease, tooth decay and obesity.
9) Bottled water is better than tap
We are constantly encouraged to drink more water for our health, and a common misconception is that drinking it by the bottle is a much healthier way of doing this. While there has been no scientific evidence that bottled water is better for us, some studies have actually suggested it is worse.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) did a four-year review of the bottled water industry and found the water to be no safer or healthier, findings that were also confirmed in a separate study by the University of Geneva. The NRDC further concluded that 25% of the water they tested was in fact just tap water in a bottle. Studies have also suggested that bottled water may be worse for our health as chemicals (phthalates) from the bottles leach into the water over time, which may lead to hormone imbalance when consumed in high levels.

10) Craving is your body's way of saying it needs something
A big misconception about food cravings is that they are our body's way of telling us we are lacking a certain nutrient and need to remedy this immediately via a huge slab of chocolate cake (or your particular food of choice). However, while this theory may help ease our guilt over giving in to cravings, it has yet to be proven true, and more recent research has suggested that food cravings are in fact all in the mind.

A study published in the journal Appetite has suggested that many people crave the foods that they most attempt to resist, such as junk food. Research has also suggested that people simply crave the foods that they are most exposed to and familiar with, which is demonstrated by the fact that most people crave sugary, salty and fatty foods. Your body and mind will only crave the foods they remember, meaning that eating a healthy, balanced diet - with a little of what you fancy - should help to reduce those junk food cravings.

By Reginald Anderson Mtui.