I would like to acknowledge all those who contributed during the preparations and also the time of my fieldwork attachment. I appreciate their exuberant support and I pray for them to achieve much blessings from God Almighty; UN Intenship Coordinator M/S Malaine Madigane, for her fat advice to apply for Internship to EAC. Librarian Assistant, EAC Library, Mr. Constantine Mashauri, he gave me courage and information about EAC Internship Program. Also EAC Media Coordinator, Mr.Florian B. Mutabazi, who encouraged me when I was desperately applying for the Internship at EAC. To my field work Supervisor EAC-PIPRO, Mr. Owora Richard for keeping his promise by providing a placement for Internship to me, also I acknowledge his tireless effort during my field, he actually opened the door for me to learn and gain substantial skills in PR, writing and editing, he supported me with writing materials and transport when I was in need. To EAC Program Assistant (my sister) Belinda Wera, she has been nice to me always; she often used to offer me with sandwiches for tea and also provided me with authentic information about the field work. To Louis Pascal (my neighbor), actually it was not easy for me to begin a tough journey but he made it easy for me, he assisted me with his machine for typing press release all the times when I had problems with mine. To Bobby, Edward, Mukta and UN security workers esp. Pius.what I learnt from you will add into my CV so you are unforgettable people to my life and I appreciate your services. To my relatives; Samuel, he used to give me lunch when I was starved. Obviously it’s hard to have lunch in town especially when you are not stable financially, but thanks to God he made me able to work during my internship period. I would also like to acknowledge my step mother Mrs.Lilian Mtui for her financial support, actually without her I wouldn’t be where Iam. I owe all a great debt, those whose contributions I have neglected to note here from sheer failure of memory or character, please accept my apologies.
The Internship went on well despite of fewer challenges which rose to the places where I was sent to cover special occasions; at the field some of the events (meetings) were well organized despite of missed facilities like microphones. So I was really challenged when it came to hearing. Thus, I had to spare time for interview to get the missing parts of the speakers. At the end of time I found myself with a number of interview skills as well as confidence is concerned.
Editing and writing articles is not an easy work, it needs time, resources, awareness and also a conducive environment where one can conduct his/her work without difficulties. Thanks to Heaven; that EAC is blessed with sustainable resources and a well conducive room for typing press releases.
Perhaps, I was really challenged by time and be pressurized always to keep time. At the end of time it gave me much experiences in terms of working under pressure environment also I gained a sharp mind and awareness.
As a student of UCU the code of conduct during the field didn’t bother me much except I was not used to put on suits and neck ties so It challenged me whenever I attended some meetings and found myself different from the delegates.
I suggest that the University should try to put an Internship financial assistance fund to help students who fail to afford transport costs during their internship periods.
Table of Contents.
1.0 .Corporate communication and public affairs
1.1. Fieldwork objectives
2.0. Introduction and the EAC Background
2.1. EAC Aims and Objectives
2.2. Enlargement of the community
2.3. Investment climate and opportunities
2.4. EAC Mission and Vision
2.5. Organs and institutions of EAC
2.6. Headquarters
2.7. The EAC terms of Leadership
2.8. EAC Flag
2.9. EAC Logo
2.10. EAC Tagline
2.11. The Anthem
2.12. The language of the community
2.13. EAC Map
2.14. Structure of the corporate and public affairs
3.0. Work at EAC Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
3.1. EAC Meeting on Pastoralism and Drylands
3.2. Memo, Project proposal and Case Study
3.3. EAC Meeting on EAC-EPA and WTO Partnership Negotiations
3.4. Microsoft Launch of 2010 Kiswahili Local Language Park
3.5. EAC Meeting of Experts to Finalize Draft Terms of Reference for the Study to review Industrial Research, Technology and Innovation Situation in EAC and Prepare an action Plan To enhance Regional Collaboration in R$D, Technology Development and Technology Transfer to the Manufacturing and SME Businesses
3.6. EAC Sectrol Council Meeting on Gender, Youth, Children, Social Protection and Community Development
3.7. EAC task Force Meeting to Finalize the Operation Plan for the EAC Communication Plan and Strategy
EAC-East African Community.
GDP-Gross Domestic Product.
CASSOA- The Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency.
KIA-Kilimanjaro International Airport.
SG-Security General.
PIPRO-Principle Information and Public Relations Officer.
SPRO-Senior Public Relations Officer.
WCO-Web Communication Officer.
MCC-Media Centre co-coordinator.
A.V.T-Audio Visual Technician.
P.A-Program Assistant.
P.R-Public relations.
UN-United Nations.
AU-IBAR-African Union-Interafrica Bureau for Animal Resources.
EPA-Economic Partnership Agreement.
WTO-World Trade Organization.
DVC-Director of Vice Chancellor.
AICC-Arusha International Conference Centre.
P.A.A-Public Affairs Assistant.
SMEs-Small and Medium Enterprises.
H.E- His Excellence.
1.0. Background about the Field Attachment Period.
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department comprises of the Media Centre, Visual Audio Technical, and Web Communication amongst others.
Under Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Department several activities such as writing and publishing EAC Magazines, Fliers and EAC Updates, advertize leaflets are performed. All information from other organs and institutions are prepared through.
I worked with the Media Centre as a Sub-Editor and a PR Assistant (Intern) because of the following course units; News writing, Feature writing, Public Affairs and reporting, Creative Writing, Public relations, and Editing and page design.
1.1. Fieldwork Objectives.
The major purposes of choosing EAC Corporate Communications and Public Affairs for internship are standing to include the following;
- To get exposed to work in order to prepare myself to be a competent skilled future worker.
- To gain confidence as part of experience and self-esteem at work.
- To acquire public relations skills and ability which are of very important for me to pursue my career.
- To learn various interpersonal skills for self guidance and which are helpful for me to find better ways of handling future work.
- To attain the language and communication skills which are listening, reading, writing and speaking, which are vital for my future career.
- To gain experience and knowledge from other experienced workers in order to pave the good way for my future work.
- To determine the specific areas of work and people that I can work with.
- To be a future EAC worker who is practically equipped with substantial skills.
2.0. EAC Background.
The East African Community EAC is the regional intergovernmental organization of the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania with its Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The Treaty for the establishment of the East African Community was signed on 30th November 1999 and entered into force on 7th
July 2000 following its ratification by the original 3 partner states which are Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The Republic of Rwanda and the Republic of Burundi acceded to the EAC Treaty on 18th June 2007 and became full members of the community with effect from 1st July 2007.
2.1. EAC Aims and Objectives.
The EAC aims at widening and deepening co-operation of the partner states in among others, political, economic and social fields for their mutual benefit. To this extent the EAC Countries established a customs union in 2005 and a common market in 2010 and are working towards the establishment of a monetary union by 2012 and thereafter a political Federation of the East African States. EAC also aims at;
- The sustainable growth and development through the promotion of a more balanced and harmonious development of partner states.
- Equitable economic development which would in turn raise the standard of living and improving the quality of life of the population.
- Sustainable utilization of natural resources and taking measures to protect the natural environment.
- Strengthening the long standing economic, social and political ties of the people of East Africa in order to promote a people-centered mutual development of the partner states
- Mainstreaming gender in all endeavors and enhancing the role of women in cultural, social, political, economic and technological development.
- Promoting peace, security, stability and good neighborliness.
- Enhancing and strengthening partnership with the private sector and civil society for sustainable socio-economic and political development.
- Undertaking other activities to further the aims of the community.
2.2 Enlargement of the community.
The realization of the large regional economic bloc encompassing Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda with a combined population of approximately 133.3 million (as of June 2010), Land area of 1.82 million square kilometers, average GDP per capital of $558, and a combined gross domestic product of $74.5 billion bears great strategic and geographical significance and aspects of a renewed and reinvigorated East African Community.
2.3. Investment climate opportunities.
EAC focus is to boost productivity through promotion of investments, industries and trade. The region has rich and varied natural resource base of vast fertile lands, mineral, water, energy, forestry and wildlife resources offering great scope for agricultural, industrial, tourism and trade development and expansion. The EAC countries uphold good Governance, free market economy and rule of law, peace, security and stability as prerequiresites for regional and global partnership.
East Africa is thus positioned as a competitive new investment and market area with vast investment opportunities in the agro-processing, mining, tourism and fishing industries, manufacturing and services as well as investments in regional infrastructure, including roads, railways, telecommunications, energy and the Lake Victoria Development Programme.
2.4. Vision and Mission of the EAC.
The main goal for the East African Community as an economic and Political entity stems from the desire by the Governments of the EAC countries to improve the standard of living of the population through increased competitiveness, value added production, trade and investment. This is aimed at promoting the sustainable development of the region with a view to creating a prosperous, internationally competitive, secure, and stable and politically united region. The five EAC partner states are keenly aware that by pooling their resources and potential, they are in better position to realize and sustain common development goals more easily than by national efforts alone.
The justifications for many regional integration arrangements are mainly economic. In the case of East Africa However, the common history, Language, Culture and personal ties invoke a deep-rooted and long-standing commitment by the partner states to deepen co-operation in a broad range of political, economic, social and cultural programmes. According to the EAC Treaty, the vision of the community is to be realized in an incremental progression through the stages of a customs union; a common market; a monetary union; and ultimately a political Federation.
2.5. Organs and Institutions of EAC.
- The Summit; which consists of the Head of state or Government of the Member states in order to give the general directions of the objectives of the community. The Summit meet once in a year to consider the annual progress reports and such other reports submitted to it by the council. It may also hold extra-ordinary meetings as necessary.
- The Council of Ministers; which consists of the Ministers responsible for regional co-operation of each state. Its functions are to keep under constant review the implementation of the programmes of the community. To ensure the proper functioning of the regional organization. It meets twice in each year.
- Co-ordination Committee; which consists of secretaries responsible for regional co-operation in each partner state and other permanent secretaries of the partner state. Its work is to report the council of Ministers and co-ordinates the activities of the sectoral committees.
- Sectoral committees; which established by the council on the basis of the recommendations of the co-ordination committee. Its function is to prepare comprehensive implementation programmes, setting out priorities with respect to the various as well as monitors their implementation.
- EAC Court of Justice; since it was initiated the EAC Court of Justice has a work of interpretation and application of the treaty on common market matters. Also human rights and jurisdiction are determined by the council of ministers in a protocol to be conducted at a later suitable date.
- A Secretariat; headed by the secretary General who is assisted by his deputy. The secretariat includes the offices of counsel to the community and other officers appointed by the council.
- The East African Legislative Assembly; it is the Legislative organ of the EAC. It is composed of 45 elected members, the five Ministers responsible for East African Community Affairs, the EAC Secretary General and Counsel to the Community.
- The Inter-University council of East Africa.
- The Civil Aviation safety and safety and Security oversight Agency (CASSOA).
- The Lake Victoria basin commission.
- The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization.
- The East African Development Bank.
2.6. Headquarters.
Since the secretariat was launched on 14th March 1996 in Arusha region, Tanzania; EAC Headquarters were meant to be in Arusha, Tanzania. Actually, there are a number of reasons behind this proposal which stand to include the following; Arusha is a co-ordination city which connects Kenya through Namanga border. The region is also closer to the Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA). Arusha is connected to Mara and Mwanza regions though road where the Lake Victoria is found. The cool weather of this region is enjoyable and favorable and is likely to be the same with Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. Arusha is Historical Region with a series of the past memorable events such as the Arusha Declaration which initiated the Ujamaa policy in 1967. But also Arusha is blessed with fertile soil for the green plants, and Agriculture, various attractive features such as Mount Meru, TANZANITE, MOMELA game reserves, Tanzanite minerals which are only produced by Tanzania can be found in the region. Therefore the city proudly gives numerous credits to Tanzania and is currently known as Geneva of Africa.
2.7. The EAC Terms of leadership.
The EAC Secretariat is governed by the secretary General whose terms of Leadership is between five to ten years. Since the organization started in 1996 the first secretary General was Keneth Muthaura of Kenya from 1996-2001 under Chairman H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda republic. From the year 2001-2006 Alex Amanya of the Uganda Republic headed the secretariat as a secretary General and the H.E Paul Kagame became the second chairman. A Tanzanian Dr. Juma Mwapachu served for a period of five years from 2006-2011 while H.E president Jackaya Kikwete of the Tanzania Republic served as the third chairman. Recently, Amb.Dr. Richard Sezibera is a secretary General and H.E President Mwai Kibaki of the republic of Kenya is a chairman.

2.8. The EAC Flag

Figure 1.1 the EAC Flag
The EAC Flag has six colors which are blue, white, red, green, yellow and black. They represent different colors of the EAC partner states. Blue color signifies Lake Victoria; Handshake signifies the community; Logo at the centre is the EAC emblem.
2.9.The EAC Logo.
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EAC Logo consists of a map of the five partner states with Lake Victoria which set in a circle and boarded by an industrial wheel. On the sides of Industrial wheel two arches ending with the letter EAC at the top and a handshake at the bottom. A framework which is at the lower part of the circle has black Swahili inscribed words “ Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki”.
2.10.EAC Tagline.
One People one Destiny;
It is a rallying call and a reminder of the EAC vision
2.11. The Anthem.
E Mungu twakuomba uilinde
Jumuiya Afrika Mashariki
Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani
Tutimize na malengo yetu
Jumuiya yetu sote tuilinde
Tuwajibike tuimarike
Umoja wetu ni nguzo yetu
Idumu Jumuiya yetu
Uzalendo pia mshikamano
Viwe msingi wa umoja wetu
Natulinde Uhuru na Amani
Mila zetu na desturi zetu
Viwandani na hata Mashambani
Tufanye kazi sote kwa makini
Tujitoe kwa hali na mali
Tuijenge Jumuiya bora
EAC Anthem was adopted in the 12th Summit by the Heads of State. It urges the East Africans to preserve the community to work hard to cooperate, to promote peace, security, pastoralism and also culture.
2.12. The Language of the Community.
The official language of the integration is English whereas Swahili is a Lingua Franca.
2.13. EAC Map

3.0. The structure of the corporate communications and Public Affairs.
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A.V.T P.A. P.

3.1. Work at EAC.
EAC working system; workers are supposed to report to their work places at
8.00a.m and leave the office at 5.00pm Monday through Friday.
The lunch hour begins at 12.30 pm to 2.00pm. However, interns report to their work areas from 9.00 am and leave offices at 4.00pm. They are also supposed to report to their supervisors daily when they arrive and then submit their assignments at the end of the day for the supervision.
I reported to the Department of Corporate Communications and Public affairs on 10th February 2012 where I met the Head of this Department PIPRO Mr. Owora Richard Othieno at 10.00 am. He introduced me to other staff members whom would work together with me; M/S Belinda Wera P.A, Mr. Luis Pascal P.A.A, Mr. Florian Mutabazi MCC and Mr. Liwali the Photographer.
3.2. EAC Meeting on Pastoralism and drylands at Naura Springs Hotel.
This was my first assignment where by I had to cover the EAC in house meeting on pastoralism and drylands which was held at Naura Springs Hotel in Arusha, Tanzania with the aim of discussing the need for a regional steering committee to guide on matters relating to pastoralism and also the need for sharing experiences and improved coordination and collaboration by all stakeholders. The Three-day Meeting was participated by UN-Agencies, pastoralist associations, African Union, Development partners, Regional Economic Communities and the Member states representatives.
Finally, I came up with a draft of a press release which was crosschecked by PIPRO.
· I reached the venue late due to the traffic jam. I found that the meeting had started already and the members were on the background paper. As I missed some part of the opening speech I had to play an active role in order to get a copy of that speech. I also interviewed one of the speakers who spoke on behalf of the Secretary General, Mr. Mosses Marwa.
· I typed the work early but there was a problem of network coverage so it wasn’t possible to send it to my supervisor via Email. I was compelled to submit it on the following day perhaps it was beyond the agreement between me and the supervisor.
· I had a problem with my computer therefore I was forced to ask for a laptop from one of the staff to type the work.
3.3. Memo, Case study and a Budget Proposal.
On Wednesday 15th February 2012, I was assigned three exercises; to prepare an internal memo to the SG proposing the Venue, timetable, security system and the required refreshments during the visitation of the two Ambassadors of Italy and Ireland to the Headquarters to present their letters of accreditation. Also I was assigned a task to prepare a speech for the secretary general who was invited to the Annual Secondary Teachers of Manyara and Arusha Conference to talk on the History of EAC, why was the first EAC collapse, revival, measures to avert it from collapsing, critical factors on EAC, reasons for integration, vision and mission, EAC Operational and Fundamental Principles, organs, political federation, achievements, and the challenges.
The last assignment was to prepare a project proposal with an estimate budget to the VC Finance on UCU Participation in inter-university education exhibition held at Collin Hotel, Mukono-Kampala, Uganda. All assignments were given the due dates. I completed and submitted them to the PIPRO.
- I had a theoretical knowledge about Memo, I had never prepared it on work basis so I concentrated on research more and finally I came up with a very beautiful memo.
- I used one of the staff’s computers to type, so it wasn’t possible to submit it on the due time because the owner went away with his machine.
3.4. EAC-EPA and WTO Meeting on partnership negotiations.
I attended a closing session of the EAC-EPA and WTO Meeting on partnership negotiations at Ngurdoto Lodge in Arusha, Tanzania. The 3-day Meeting was closed by EAC Director General Customs and Trade Dr. Peter Kiguta who said that, the information which was shared would be true after being implemented. At the end of the meeting I prepared a draft of press release to the PIPRO.
3.5. Microsoft Launch of office 2010 Kiswahili Local Language pack.
On February 22nd 2012 I attended Microsoft Meeting on the launch of office 2010 Kiswahili and Local Language Park at 541 Conference Hall in Arusha, Tanzania. EAC staff participated and the Secretary General Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera presented EAC appreciation for the coming of the new microsoftword. I learnt how to download and install a local language pack. I also learnt how to crop, attach and send photos through email. Finally I prepared a draft for the press release.
3.6.EAC Meeting of Experts to finalize draft Terms of Reference (TORS) for a study to review Industrial Research, Technology and Innovation Situation in EAC and prepare an action plan to enhance Regional collaboration in R&D, Technology Development and Technology Transfer to the manufacturing and SME Businesses.
On 23rd February 2012 I went to Kibo Palace Hotel to cover the EAC Meeting on experts to finalize draft Terms of Reference where by University research institutions, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) participated and discussed matters to do with industrial research and the best ways to solve problems facing industries particularly in Arusha, Tanzania. They also visited small and medium enterprises such as TEMDO and KAMATEK. Finally I drafted a press release of two typed page and submitted it to the supervisor.
3.7. EAC sectoral council meeting on Gender, Youth, Children, Social Protection and Community Development.
I was sent to cover a 5-day meeting at Tausi Hall, Arusha, Tanzania where by the EAC sectrol council met to discuss past reports of the meetings held in partner states about Gender, Youth, Children, Social Protection and Community Development. After amendments of these reports, they sent them to the secretariat as proposals and finally the secretariat sent to the summit which is the last resort for policies implementation.
The work wasn’t easy because I arrived late at the venue where by the delegates had already started. It took me much time to get information on the agenda and the background paper for the press release.
3.8. EAC Task Force Meeting to finalize the operational plan for the EAC Communication Policy and Strategy.
On 1st February 2012 I joined corporate and public Affairs staff to attend EAC Task Force Departmental and EAC Institutions Meeting for the communication policy and strategy which was held at Naura Springs Hotel. The aim was to schedule the matrix and finally to prepare a final report and the budget estimate for improving communication. The meeting report was also taken to the secretariat followed by the procedures of approval from the EAC council of Ministers and the Summit.
4.0. Conclusion.
All processes of work during the attachment period went on well a despite some few challenges such as transport from home to the placement. Absence of microphones in some of the conference centers was another problem and challenge which hindered the work in one way or another as it required an extra time to get information on the missing parts.
4.1. Recommendations.
- I suggest that University should start up internship financial aid fund to help those who are challenged by transport problems during their attachment periods. In order to execute such fund they should spare amount of money from student’s fees.
- The need for establishing Internship University Resources Department where sustainable materials for attachment field will be available. Such materials include laptops, writing materials, and suits, amongst others. The importance of having such things is to help those who can not afford their costs. Materials like suits and laptops can be borrowed by a student and immediately returned after each attachment period.
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